Should You Make or Buy Kratom Tea: What’s Best for You?

An important part of what makes kratom so enjoyable is the variety of ways people can consume it. You’ll find kratom in powder, capsule, and ready-to-drink forms. One of the most time-honored and still popular ways to take kratom is by making tea out of it.

But when it comes to kratom tea, should you buy it pre-made or make your own? That’s what we’re here to help you figure out. In this post, we’re breaking down making vs buying kratom tea. You’ll learn everything you need to know to get the best kratom tea experience for you.

How Much Time Do You Have?

One of the first things to consider is your level of spare time. You might have plenty of time and some level of interest in brewing your own kratom tea. Other people have little desire and no time to spare, preferring to buy bottled kratom tea.

Cost Comparisons of Making vs Buying Kratom Tea

Let’s now compare how much money it costs to buy bottled kratom tea versus making your own. After extensive research, we found several ways you can buy or make kratom tea.

Ready-to-Drink Kratom Teas

While these products are likely the most convenient, bottled teas are also the most expensive option. Here’s a price breakdown of some of the most popular kratom teas.

If you purchase bottled kratom teas, you could spend anywhere from $10 to $25 per bottle!

Kratom Tea Bags

Between making your own kratom tea and buying bottled teas, you have the middle ground of purchasing pre-made kratom tea bags.

Kraken Kratom offers 12-count tea kratom tea bags for $11.99 to $12.49. Each tea bag contains 36 grams of leaf with three grams of Mitragyna speciosa per bag. Super Speciosa offers various kratom tea bags in 8-count packages for $19.99 and 15-count packages for $24.99.

Looking at the average price of kratom tea bags, you’ll spend anywhere from $0.99 to $2.49 per cup of kratom tea.

Brewing Kratom Tea with Loose Leaf or Powder

Loose-leaf and powder kratom tea is basically ground-up kratom leaves. If you purchase kratom in this form, you’ll need to use a teapot or coffee maker to brew the kratom or else buy and make your own kratom tea bags. Either way, you should still see significant savings with this method.

For powder, let’s use Golden Monk as an example. We offer the following prices for our powdered kratom:

  • 250 grams for $39.99
  • 500 grams for $69.99
  • 1,000 grams for $89.99

Let’s assume you’re an average kratom user and put 1.5 to 3 grams of kratom powder in your kratom tea.

  • 250 grams would make 83 to 166 cups of kratom tea.
  • 500 grams would make 166 to 333 cups of kratom tea.
  • 1,000 grams would make 333 to 666 cups of kratom tea.

If you’re making kratom tea, you’ll pay anywhere from $0.13 to $0.48 per serving! Check out Golden Monk’s wide variety of kratom including green, white, and red-veined kratom.

Cup of kratom tea and bags with pitcher in background

For loose leaf, Kratom Spot carries loose-leaf kratom in various veins for $9.99 for a one-ounce package or up to four ounces for $34.99.

Most tea bags hold 1.5 to 3 grams of loose tea leaves. So, each ounce of loose-leaf kratom would provide about 9 to 12 servings per ounce for an average kratom user. Those with higher tolerances to kratom might need two to three cups of tea to get the desired effect.

Using this vendor and method would cost about $0.83 to $1.66 per brewed cup of kratom tea. We haven’t noticed any difference in the quality of the taste between powder and loose-leaf tea varieties, though some people do prefer loose leaf because it reminds them of regular tea.

Making Kratom Tea

There are numerous methods for brewing your own kratom tea, each with their own tips and tricks for getting the best result which we strongly recommend you check out. When using kratom powder, however, the process can be incredibly easy. Unlike loose-leaf tea, you can simply mix kratom powder directly into your tea without filling tea bags.

Glass of kratom tea with powder on top

Especially when using larger serving sizes, leaving the kratom powder in your tea will create a more potent cup of tea. The downside is that you’ll get a more bitter, earthy taste especially if you go ahead and drink any powder that’s settled to the bottom of your cup. Another way to make a stronger cup of tea is to add some citrus juice or chamomile to cover up the taste and to act as a potentiator so your body can absorb more of the kratom.

Taste of Homemade vs Bottled Teas

The flavors of commercially produced bottle teas can be hit-or-miss. Some products taste great. Others may have an overly artificial taste. Generally, most people prefer the taste of freshly brewed tea, especially if you give it that extra bit of attention.

With homemade kratom tea, you have the freedom to add honey, lemon, and other ingredients to perfect its taste. You can experiment with varying kratom amounts to control the bitter taste. And you can always make a larger cup of tea or sip multiple cups throughout the day until you get both the taste and the potency you want.

Shelf Life for Homemade and Bottled Kratom Tea

Woman pouring tea from a pitcher in the refrigerator

Lastly, let’s look at how long homemade and bottled kratom teas last. Unfortunately, freshly brewed teas will only last several days in the fridge. You can make your brewed tea last longer by freezing it or storing it in an airtight container.

Bottled teas last longer than brewed tea. However, bottled teas also contain preservatives and artificial ingredients to keep bacteria growth from happening. Most bottled teas have a 12 to 18-month shelf-life before they expire.

As you can see, there are distinct differences between making vs buying kratom tea. If money is no concern, pre-bottled kratom teas are the most convenient. However, you might prefer the control and cost-savings of brewing homemade kratom tea.

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