Captain Kratom LA Vendor Review

image of captain kratom la logo

Captain Kratom, AKA CaptainLA and Captain Kratom LA, first hit the scene all the way back in 2006. This vendor’s backstory includes the owner actually backpacking through Thailand, where he was introduced to the wonders of Mitragyna speciosa. After which, he decided he had to bring this product to the US market. After 14 years in business, they must be doing something right. But is it enough for you to drop your hard-earned cash on their products? Let’s find out!

Captain Kratom LA Review

One of the biggest debates about the CaptainLA brand is whether they’re truly good quality or little more than a headshop brand. A lot of this chatter seems to be little more than conjecture based on the company’s packaging. They do sell to wholesale clients, which means that Captain Kratom products are available in some head and smoke shops. Of course, they also have a thriving online shop for individual consumers, and that definitely seems to indicate that there’s a lot more going for their products than those that are typically regarded merely as headshop Kratom.

Captain Kratom Product Line

image of captain kratom product line

The Captain has multiple product types to choose from, including powder, capsules, bundles, and Kratom + CBD. As anyone who is a Kratom enthusiast knows, variety is truly the spice of life! On the downside, there are only five strains available, and none of them are designated by vein.

  • Powder – Vietnam, Maeng Da, Bali, Thai, and the Kratom Powder Bundle
  • Capsules – Vietnam, Maeng Da, Bali, Thai, Kratom + CBD, and the Kratom Capsule Bundle

What’s it Going to Cost Me?

If you find Captain Kratom products in a headshop or smoke shop, you may find a wide variety of prices. That’s because wholesale clients are able to mark up the Kratom as much as they’d like. Fortunately, retail customers can also buy directly from CaptainLA’s website. Be aware that this vendor occasionally runs a big sale on their site, which can provide a nice reduction from their regular pricing.

  • 15g/25-Count Capsules: $19.99 – $29.99
  • 30g/50-Count Capsules: $31.99 – $41.99
  • 60g/100-Count Capsules: $55.99 – $64.99
  • 15g/Powder: $16.99 – $24.99
  • 30g/Powder: $28.99 – $36.99
  • 60g/Powder: $52.99 – $60.99
  • Kratom + CBD Capsules: $34.99 – $86.99

Captain Kratom LA Coupon Code

We were unable to find any active coupon codes for CaptainLA as of February 2020. This is most likely due at least partially to their long-standing business and the fact that they work with wholesale clients.

Captain LA Consumer Reputation

On Reddit, Captain Kratom has been favorably compared to EdensEthnos and received a 6/10 from one reviewer. Another Redditor said that Captain is “overpriced and the capsules are lightly packed,” yet they still recommended their products if someone is in a pinch and needs to pick something up at a local headshop. A YouTube reviewer said that “the package/product is nicely sealed.” He further stated that CaptainLA’s products “[are] not bad for the money.”

Captain Kratom LA’s Customer Service

image of captain la kratom customer reviews

We like that CaptainLA is easy to connect with thanks to an 800 number, an email address, and their Instagram account. This vendor does accept returns, as long as the product is unopened. If there was a mistake made on their end, Captain Kratom pays for return shipping. Otherwise, the customer is responsible for paying the shipping cost.

We haven’t seen much else about this vendor’s customer service department. Of course, no news is typically good news when it comes to customer service.

Bottom Line

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Each time you buy Kratom from a new vendor is like taking a leap of faith. We write these vendor reviews in the hopes of helping you find the right fit without having to burn through a lot of money first. When it comes to Captain Kratom, we can say that most people seem to be at least generally satisfied with their products, although the price is definitely on the higher side. As usual, we encourage you to try a small pack first before you commit to a major purchase.

Do you prefer a vendor that doesn’t sell products to wholesale headshop clients? The Golden Monk’s Complete List of the Best Kratom Vendors provides extensive reviews of dozens and dozens of online shops for your convenience.

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