Maeng Da Thai Kratom: Detailed Strain Review of Its Effects and Benefits

Perhaps the best known kratom strain of all, Maeng Da Thai is one of those buzzwords that new kratom users inevitably come across before too long. Whether through word-of-mouth or product marketing, many users learn this strain is supposed to be extra strong or just deliver a better experience. But is that the reality? How much truth in advertising is there when it comes to the Maeng Da kratom strain?  

As you might expect, the answer isn’t cut and dry. Here’s what you need to know about this strain. 


What is Maeng Da Thai? Past and Present Forms

From the Thai language, Maeng Da literally translates as “pimp-grade,” but the true origins of the strain is a much more wholesome story. Kratom has been known and used throughout Southeast Asia for centuries if not millenia, but the legend says that, in the 19th century, Thai farmers noticed that kratom harvested from certain trees seemed to be much better than others at helping them get through a long day’s labor. And so they took to cultivating new kratom trees from these preferred specimens. This botanical lineage became known as Maeng Da.  

Of course, plants, like all forms of life, continue to evolve, and as the popularity of Maeng Da grew, many farmers did everything they could to lay claim to the Maeng Da name. But then, as today, there were no formal rules or botanical markers that define this kratom strain.  

Moreover, today’s Maeng Da kratom isn’t even grown in Thailand. Kratom was illegal for 76 years in Thailand until 2019, and it’s still not exported from that country. Instead, most commercial kratom is grown in the Kalimantan region of Borneo Island in Indonesia. For those manufacturers who wanted to maintain some level of fidelity with the Maeng Da name, trees from this strain were transplanted to these commercial kratom farms and continually developed to deliver the best possible experience for many kratom users.

Maeng Da vs Maeng Da Thai: What’s the Difference? 

Often, the difference is pure marketing. A vendor may add “Thai” to the product name to capture the attention of Thai kratom enthusiasts. Others prefer the slick, shortened version. Yet, because there’s no standard cultivar or single botanical lineage that defines the Maeng Da strain, a vendor could, in theory, carry both a Maeng Da and a Maeng Da Thai product.  

Unfortunately, this also means you can’t know for sure whether Maeng Da Thai is right for you from a single vendor’s product. If you happen to fall in love with the first product you try, that’s great. If you don’t like it, it could be that Maeng Da isn’t for you or it could be that the manufacturer markets and sells an unusual cultivar for their Maeng Da product. 

Is Maeng Da Thai Stronger or Better than other Kratom Strains?

Yes and no. Kratom manufacturers know that Maeng Da Thai is supposed to be stronger than common kratom strains, so if their kratom suppliers have a strain that they think fits the bill, they’re likely to call it their Maeng Da strain. Yet, with no formal standards for the strain, we’re hesitant to call theis kratom inherently better than other strains.  

In fact, it’s possible that the original Thai farmers were harvesting leaves from old-growth kratom trees, a much bigger factor than the strain in determining the strength and alkaloid content of the leaves. 

Third-Party Reviews of Maeng Da Thai Kratom

That said, you’ll have a hard time finding kratom enthusiasts who don’t have at least one positive thing to say about this strain. Over on Reddit, people have discussed just how powerful Maeng Da Thai’s performance is…“Underestimated Maeng Da. Holy sh!t…insanely strong,” the OP said.  

Another forum member chimed in that they found it to be the strongest strand of kratom. The final comment on that particular thread said, “It took me a while to warm up to Maeng Da. It’s kind of weird because the effects are all over the place. But now that I am used to it, I’ve really learned to appreciate it.” 

Green, White, & Red Vein Varieties

Some products are not labeled with a color vein at all. Here’s a Reddit thread with more information about how these veinless products are typically dominated by red or green vein leaves or a broad blend of the best leaves from a particular harvest. 

With some vendors neglecting to add a vein name, you might be wondering what veins are best to suit your needs. One Redditor tackled this topic with an easy to remember phrase: “White to get right, Green for in between, Red for bed!”  

That said, not only does Golden Monk sell Maeng Da kratom in each color vein, we’ve created full kratom strain reviews for each vein. Here are some quick blurbs that reveal the basic information for each vein.  

  • Green Maeng Da provides an energetic and uplifting, but somehow still relaxed, performance.  
  • White Maeng Da is highly energetic and some users report longer lasting than Red Maeng Da, but it’s also slightly milder in aroma and effects.  
  • Red Maeng Da still provides energetic and fast-acting performance, but also emphasizes more of kratom’s soothing effects, even at smaller serving sizes. Some believe it’s the strongest strain in the entire kratom family. 

Where to Buy Maeng Da Thai Kratom to Test It Yourself

We’re biased, but we do believe we carry the best of the best for Maeng Da in the kratom industry. Like we said, with plenty of potential for differences between manufacturers, you may want to try a few different products. The problem is if you were to try every single product labeled Maeng Da without taking periodic breaks from kratom altogether, you’d develop a certain tolerance level so that the 25th variety of Maeng Da is unlikely to affect you in the same way as if you had tried it first.  

We recommend narrowing down your search to the most reputable manufacturers. Here is a handful of companies that are approved by the American Kratom Association and which carry at least one Maeng Da kratom product. 

Final Thought

KratomSometimes, you want something a little different. Even if you love Maeng Da Thai, it’s okay to branch out. It’s possible that a different kratom strain contains the best ratio of various kratom alkaloids for your individual preferences and physiology, even if it’s not the “strongest” in terms of total alkaloid content. You can always modify your serving size to fit your needs. 

Golden Monk makes it easy for you to discover your next favorite with our complete guide of kratom strain reviews.

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