Black Flag Botanicals Kratom Vendor Review

Black Flag Botanicals was a vendor that disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

Black Flag Botanicals Kratom Review

It’s a good idea to do some research before you buy Kratom from a fly-by-night company. Black Flag was one of these companies, and they left a lot of people unhappy.

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Black Flag Botanicals Kratom Product Line

When it came to products, Black Flag had all the typical items, including:

  • Powder – White Thai, White Maeng Da, White Horn, White Dragon, Red Thai, Red Maeng Da, Red Indo, Red Horn, Plantation White Maeng Da, Kalimantan, Green Thai, Green Malay, Green Maeng Da, & Green Dragon

What’s it Going to Cost Me?

Since they’ve closed their doors, we no longer have access to what they charged.

Black Flag Kratom Coupon Code

They have no promo codes because they no longer exist. While they were open, though, they offered several deals such as 25 percent off and free shipping for orders of $50+.

Black Flag Botanicals Kratom Consumer Reputation

Unfortunately, nothing remains of Black Flag, not even user reviews. As Kratomaton says, “this vendor appears to be inactive.”

image of black flag botanical customer reviews

Black Flag Botanicals Kratom Customer Service

One thing we do know about Black Flag is that they used to offer refunds. Perhaps that’s the reason they went out of business so quickly. After all, their Kratom was middle of the road, which means it was nothing special. Perhaps too many people decided to take advantage of their refund policy.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, it’s sad whenever a company fails. At the same time, though, when that business doesn’t provide the goods, they’ve got to step aside for others that do.

Are you looking for a proven vendor that’s been around for years? Be sure to check out The Golden Monk’s Complete List of the Best Kratom Vendors. We have more than 150+ vendor reviews, which means you can find plenty of stores that are ready and waiting for your business!

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