Vietnam Kratom Strain Review

Vietnam Kratom is a relatively new contender in the Mitragyna speciosa marketplace. Although it traces its roots back thousands of years, local farmers have only recently connected with Kratom vendors on the Western side of the world.


What is Vietnam Kratom?

As its name suggest, Vietnam Kratom comes from Mitragyna speciosa plants and trees grown in Vietnam. The majority of Kratom leaves that are shipped from Vietnam to Western dealers is harvested near the Mekong River. This strain sets itself apart from others due to its unique growing conditions. The weather and soil that Vietnam Kratom is exposed to is quite different from those in other Kratom growing countries.

Vietnam Kratom Strain Review

As usual, the Reddit Kratom community has lots to say about this strain. And, as usual, there’s a mixture of people who swear by it and people who are unimpressed. A thread from a couple of years ago contains some positive feedback. “I like it,” one forum member wrote. Another said, “I am a fan of yellow Vietnam in general.” Yet another pleased Redditor said, “Vietnam is the business. Great morning strain!” One Kratom enthusiast who isn’t a fan said that Vietnam Kratom is “underwhelming.

Yellow, Green, Red, & White

Like most Kratom strains, you can choose between many different veins. The type that works best for you may not offer the same results to someone else. Therefore, trying various strains and veins is always your best bet.

  • Yellow – Delivers a relaxed yet alert performance. Many of Yellow Kratom’s biggest proponents need to be able to focus for long periods of time.
  • Green – This subtle vein moves at an easy pace. Its performance is touted as being relieving but not overpowering. Many call this a daytime strain.
  • Red – As one of the mildest red strains, Vietnam offers a strong but relaxed performance.
  • White – Unlike its cousins, White Vietnam Kratom has a stimulating performance. This is one of the strains of choice for introverts who have to socialize.

Where to Buy Vietnam Kratom

Finding Vietnam Kratom isn’t always easy, especially if you want a specific vein. There are a few vendors that typically carry it, though, including:

  • USA Botanicals
  • Kratom Crazy
  • PA Botanicals
  • Authentic Kratom
  • Original Harvest Kratom

Vietnam Powder and Capsules Pricing

Our favorite discount vendor, USA Botanicals, sells White and Yellow Vietnam starting at only $4.99 for 30g. Capsules in a 65-count bottle start at $11.99. Other vendors sell powder Vietnam ranging from $6.99 (28g) all the way up to $424.99 (5 kilos). Capsules go up to $83.95 for a 200-count bottle.

Final Thoughts


Vietnam Kratom’s veins offer a nice variety of options, especially for those who like different daytime and nighttime strains. If you’re looking for something that’s a bit off the beaten path, be sure to give this strain a try.

Do you want to compare Vietnam’s performance to some other strains? Visit The Golden Monk’s Complete List of Kratom Strains for detailed reviews of numerous strains and veins.