Review on Red Kali Kratom: Effects, Benefits & Safety

Red Kali Kratom is a slow-moving, very potent strain. Although it feels milder than several other options, it’s also much longer lasting. This makes it a great strain for beginners and experienced Kratom enthusiasts.


What is Red Kali?

Red Kali Kratom comes from the Kalimantan area of Borneo. This profound yet tempered version of Kratom is a welcome respite from the standard strain. There are also a lot of alkaloids present, including ajmalicine. Those who find out about Red Kali will spend the day in a relaxed state.

Red Kali Kratom Strain Review

There’s a lot of love for Red Kali Kratom to be found on Reddit. In one thread, a man proudly states that “Red Kali is my sh!t.” He goes on to say that “all the Red Kalis I’ve tried just do me right.”

In another thread, a big enthusiast for this strain said, “Not even 2 hours into my burn did I start falling asleep…I was like man, that did JUST what it was supposed to.” A third thread cinches the deal with a Redditor saying, “This stuff is so immensely helpful for me because I have social anxiety.”

Kali: Red vs White vs Green

We now know that Red Hulu Kapuas has a large number of fans. But how do the rest of the strains do? Let’s find out!

  • Red Kali – This strain is perfect for relaxation. It features a long-lasting but mild calm feel.
  • White Kali – Unlike most White veins, this one does provide a soothing feel.
  • Green Kali – Do you want a well-rounded performance? This is one to try!

Which one will you like best? The only way to know for certain is to try all three of them.

Where to Buy It

You can buy Red Kali Kratom from several vendors. Here are a few that particularly caught our eye.

  • Kratom Crazy
  • Kraken Kratom
  • Kratora
  • Phytoextractum
  • Left Coast Kratom

Red Kali Kratom Powder and Capsules Pricing


You can expect to pay anywhere from $8.99 to $14.99 for a 1-ounce package. When you go up to a 100-ounce package, the price gets even farther apart: $19.99 to $52.99. Your best bet, of course, is to go with a 1-kilo package for only $89.99. You will find some that will price 1-kilo at double or more that price, but the $89.99 package from Kratom Crazy will serve you well.

When it comes to the capsules, you’re going to start off very close together. In fact, 1-ounce of Red Kali Kratom will cost you between $16.45 and $16.69. If you choose 2 ounces instead, you’ll be looking at $30.95 to $31.57. Finally, a 4-ounce package of capsules will cost $55.95 to $57.61.

Final Thoughts

Red Kali Kratom is the perfect go-to for beginners. For this reason alone, it gets very high marks. The fact that it can also work well for more experienced enthusiasts is another positive mark.

Are you looking for information on a variety of other strains? Don’t visit all over the internet. Instead, check out The Golden Monk’s Complete List of Kratom Strains to find out everything you need!

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