Horn Kratom Review: A Deep Dive Into a Mysterious Strain

New and experienced kratom users often enjoy learning about and trying various Mitragyna speciosa strains. That brings us to the subject of this review, Horn or Horned kratom (people call it by both names).
This semi-elusive strain isn’t as easy to find as others. Some people will search high and low for Horn kratom, while others believe it’s overhyped as kratom varieties go. So, what is Horn kratom and what feelings does it provide? Golden Monk has answers to these questions and more.

What Is Horned Kratom?

Some kratom leaves are nearly indistinguishable from strain to strain. That’s not the case with Horn kratom. These kratom leaves are easy to identify from their horned or spiked edges. After farmers remove the horned leaves from kratom trees in Southeast Asia, this strain has even more versatility to show off. In the next section, we’ll cover how farming and fermentation processes result in different colored Horn kratom.

The 4 Main Types of Horn Kratom

Here’s a basic breakdown of each color’s most notable features.

White Horn Kratom

Before you reach for another coffee or energy drink to get through a mid-day slump, consider trying a bit of White Horn kratom. After a very subtle opening act, White Horn’s performance shifts to a more thoroughly energized state. As you can guess, this type of kratom is best to use during the day or whenever you need peak energy and sustained focus. That said, even as a white vein product, larger serving sizes may promote relaxation and physical comfort. Workers in Southeast Asia harvest White Horn kratom leaves earlier than other colors. This abbreviated growth cycle results in white kratom’s light green hue. Our Pick: If you need more energy, check out Golden Monk’s White Maeng Da kratom capsules and powder. Our high-quality Maeng Da kratom is perfect for getting through a long workday, hitting the gym, or anything else that requires focus.

Red Horn Kratom

Red Horn Kratom is thought to produce extremely clean and mellow results. Kratom users often seek out this soothing and comforting strain to help them relax. This kratom is popular to use as a nighttime solution. Red Horn offers some of the same properties as its white-veined variation. However, its most notable effects combine to provide a uniquely relaxed experience. Our Pick: Due to Horn kratom (including Red Horn) being hard to track down, an excellent alternative to this strain is Golden Monk’s Red Thai kratom. Our Red Thai kratom helps provide feelings of calmness. It also works to support a more positive mood without the more energizing effects of white-veined kratom strains.

Green Horn Kratom

Green Horn kratom provides a clean and smooth boost to your mental and physical performance. Some also feel this strain is perfect for deep thinkers.
Like all other green kratom strains, workers harvest Green Horned kratom during the middle of this plant’s growth cycle. This process results in green-veined kratom offering moderate strength levels. Kratom fans typically find that Green Horn kratom provides even-keeled experiences. You’ll feel a mild energy boost with small to moderate servings of Green Horn kratom. Consuming this strain in higher amounts can provide more of a relaxed, soothing effect. Our Pick: Looking for a way to enjoy kratom’s balanced effects? Look no further than Golden Monk’s Green Hulu Kapuas powder. This fan-favorite strain is preferred by anyone who wants enhanced concentration combined with a heightened sense of well-being.

Yellow Horn Kratom

Yellow kratom can be a somewhat divisive topic among certain kratom purists. There aren’t kratom trees producing yellow leaves. Yellow kratom is also NOT a natural, fourth growth stage in the kratom leaf cycle. Don’t believe any vendor trying to pass off yellow kratom as some rare and mythical (and often uber-expensive) product. Instead, it’s most often white strains that go through additional curing. That’s all. This unique kratom color may provide you with smooth, energy-enhancing, uplifting results. However, Yellow Horn kratom typically has a shorter lifespan than its white, red, and green counterparts.

Potential Benefits of Horned Kratom

Like other strains, Horn kratom is available in several colors. Depending on what color you try, you’ll likely notice some or all of this strain’s positive effects.

Improves Mood

The stress of life can have anybody in need of a pick-me-up. Fortunately, Horn kratom may brighten up your outlook. In a recent Reddit thread, someone who purchased Red Horn kratom from MitraMan Botanicals discussed this strain’s potential to occasionally enhance your mood.


Most notably when trying white-veined Horn kratom, you may notice a mild to moderate energy boost. If White Horn is a bit too strong, consider the more balanced Green Horn strain.  Also, remember that kratom often delivers a soothing vibe when taken in larger amounts. If you aren’t getting enough energy from White Horn, it could be wiser to switch to another white-veined kratom strain instead of consuming more and more White Horn.


If you enjoy kratom for its relaxing purposes, check out Red Horn. Most people note this strain is ideal for use at night or before going to sleep.

Promotes Physical Comfort

Another reason for Horned kratom’s popularity is its potential to help promote physical comfort. This benefit is commonly reported with all colors of Horned kratom. 

Can Horn Kratom Cause Any Side Effects?

As is the case with nearly any supplement or botanical, kratom can have adverse effects. These effects are mostly felt when someone takes more kratom than what’s advisable at once. However, these potential side effects apply to kratom in general and not just the Horn kratom strain. Potential side effects:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea or constipation

Shop for a Variety of Kratom Products at Golden Monk

If you’re looking for a wide array of kratom, shop at Golden Monk. Golden Monk is an established vendor that puts all of its kratom through rigorous third-party lab tests. We also proudly list our test results, so you can ensure you’re purchasing safe and potent kratom.

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