Green Borneo Kratom Strain Review

Green Borneo is a well-known and popular Kratom strain. It is often characterized as having a dependable, well-rounded performance. If you like Red and White Borneo, you’re going to love this perfect blend of the two!

What is Green Borneo?

This strain comes from Boreno, which is one of the largest islands in the world. Indonesia owns almost ¾ of the island’s landmass. It is within the Indonesian area that some of the island’s oldest growth forests are found. There, in the heart of the forests, experienced Kratom farmers can find and harvest Green Borneo leaves. The particular weather and soil conditions of Borneo are responsible for this strain’s alkaloid makeup and powerful aroma.


Green Borneo Kratom Strain Review

Green Borneo has attracted a lot of positive attention from Reddit Kratom forum members, and with good reason. As one Redditor said, it’s “one of the most underrated strains. Many times, I prefer it over a Red. It acts a lot like Red…it is always on my go-to list.”

This type of feedback isn’t surprising to those of us here at The Golden Monk. After all, those who have compared Green Borneo kratom powder to Green Bali know that Borneo’s performance has an extra boost. If you’re a fan of White and Red Borneo, you’ll be happy to know that Green Borneo also acts as the ideal blends of its two sister strains.

Borneo: White, Green, & Red

Borneo has earned a reputation for its powerful, long-lasting performance. Each of the strains also preforms in a relaxed, calming way, although there are varying levels of this quality.

  • Green – As previously mentioned, Green Borneo acts as a blend of its sister strains. Therefore, if you want Borneo’s potent performance but don’t want it to be at the height of the strain’s relaxing powers, it’s best to grab the Green Vein.
  • White – Of all the Borneo Veins, White stands above the rest as the best option for social situations. With a much more energetic performance than its sisters, White Borneo has seen its popularity rise during the past few years.
  • Red – As the most popular version of Borneo, the Red Vein Borneo kratom is typically easy to find. It also has the most relaxed, soothing performance by far. Keep this in mind if you’ve never tried it before. This definitely isn’t a workday strain.

Where to Buy Green Borneo Kratom

When you’re in the market to buy bulk Kratom, The Golden Monk offers a great deal on Green Borneo. Those who are new to this strain or who are merely looking for a smaller amount can also check out the following Kratom vendors:

  • Kratom Crazy
  • PA Botanicals
  • PurKratom
  • Kay Botanicals
  • USA Botanicals

Green Borneo Powder and Capsules Pricing

As usual, pricing for this strain’s powder and capsules can vary widely per vendor. On the plus side, there isn’t a scarcity of Green Borneo, which helps keep the prices fairly low. You can get high-quality capsules starting as low as $11.99 for a 65-count bottle. Those who prefer to buy in bulk can take advantage of the 300-count bottles that USA Botanicals sells for only $34.99.

Powder pricing typically starts around $6.99 for 28g, although you may see this quantity going for $14.99 or more from some vendors. Meanwhile, a 100g-pack will cost you between $19.99 and $42.99. Buying in bulk from The Golden Monk will definitely give you the best value in the long run. Our 250g packs are only $49.99, or you can grab 1 kilo (1,000g) for a mere $99.99.


Final Thoughts

Green Borneo’s prevalence and popularity make it a great choice for Kratom enthusiasts of all levels. You don’t have to worry about this strain having too much of any specific performance. Instead, you’ll get a balanced, well-rounded result that lasts for an average of five to six hours.

Are you interested in learning about other strains? The Golden Monk makes it easy with our Complete List of Kratom Strains!