How to Get Free Kratom Samples that You Can Trust

Everyone loves getting to try something for nothing, which is what makes free Kratom samples such a big draw. After all, every vendor’s Kratom quality and supplies will vary. And, of course, each person has different preferences, making it hard to find the perfect Mitragyna speciosa without a lot of trial and error.

So, what is the secret to getting free Kratom samples? And why doesn’t every vendor offer this perk? Let’s dig in now to find out!

Tips for Getting Free Kratom Samples

There are several ways to get free or heavily discounted samples, but you may need to do a bit of work first. Here are some of the methods that have worked well for other Kratom enthusiasts:

Ask for a Sample

If you send a polite message to vendors asking for a sample, some of them will be happy to send you one.

Ask When Placing an Order

Another way to get free samples, and one that has proven to be more effective, is to ask politely when you place an order. This method makes a lot of sense from the vendor’s perspective. You’re already making an investment in their products, and the shipping cost is already covered.

Join Kratom Facebook Groups and the Reddit Forum

Many vendors participate in Kratom Facebook groups and the Reddit forum. This is especially true of newer vendors that are trying to make a name for themselves. By joining in, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about free samples. These online groups also give you another great chance to simply ask for a sample.

Search the Web

image of free kratom sample searched on webDo a Google search for ‘free Kratom samples.’ This won’t always be accurate or up to date, but it can give you a good starting point.

Ask Friends

Finally, ask your friends for recommendations from vendors who have given them free samples in the past.

Why Don’t All Vendors Give Out Free Kratom Samples?

There are many legitimate reasons for vendors not to give out samples. For example, some of them used to do so but were taken advantage of. It’s also possible that the vendor is operating on a tight budget and can’t afford to cover the cost of postage.

Vendors that have developed a very solid reputation may not feel like it’s necessary to give out freebies. Finally, vendors that don’t have high-quality Mitragyna speciosa may be afraid to lose sales by showcasing their poor products.

Figuring out which answer applies to each vendor is very difficult. Be sure to do some research and read reviews to find out what sites to avoid.

Which Kratom Vendors Are Giving Our Free Kratom Samples in 2019?

As of mid-October 2019, you can get free samples from the following vendors. Vendors have the option to change their mind at any time, so be sure to verify this list’s accuracy before trying to order samples.

  • Kraoma – Free samples, $4.95 for shipping.
  • Kratom Exchange – Free for first-time customers only.
  • Legit Kratom – Their free program has ended, but samples are only $1.
  • Apex Kratom – $2.99 for shipping.
  • Kratom Wave – Free samples, free shipping.

Many other companies have an unwritten policy of tossing free samples in with orders, including Kraken Kratom. Reddit also has a list from 2018 of Kratom vendors with discounted sampler packs. Keep in mind that prices and vendors change quickly, but this may still be a good way to find out about some great deals.

Free Samples and Quality Control: Do Smaller Vendors Test Their Kratom?

image of kratom leaves

One thing to keep in mind is that some smaller vendor may not test their Kratom. This can cause a lot of quality control and safety issues. Getting a free sample is definitely the right way to test quality, but even a small amount could pose safety risks.

When in doubt, don’t do it. Getting a freebie isn’t worth ending up sick. Your best bet is to always stick with highly reputable vendors with a proven history of testing their products.

Final Thoughts

Free Kratom samples offer a fantastic way to test out a new vendor or strain. However, not all vendors have the same altruistic intentions behind their freebie offers. Make sure that you don’t agree to any type of subscription or other obligation to get the samples. Also, remain alert for any vendors that just don’t feel legit.


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