
7 Proven Tips for How to Get Kratom to Dissolve

kratom leaves

While kratom begins as leaves on a tree, the version of kratom you know is probably in powder form–a grainy powder that you can sometimes feel and taste when consuming your kratom.  Kratom is insoluble in water, meaning it can’t fully dissolve in water. And there’s really no way around this, especially for raw leaf kratom. 

That doesn’t mean, however, there’s nothing you can do about that grainy kratom. Check out these tips for getting kratom to dissolve and a better experience overall.  

1. Choose Your Preferred Liquid

One of the best ways to have success mixing kratom is to blend it with something you prefer. You have extensive options, including:

  • Water: Some people enjoy making flavorful kratom teas with hot water, often with honey and/or lemon. You can also use cold water as a simple chaser, known as toss and wash.
  • Juice: Mixing kratom with orange, grape, apple, or other fruit juices is a great idea if you want to mask kratom’s taste. 
  • Sports Drinks: Enticing flavors and sweeteners can also mask kratom’s taste.
    • Coffee: Give your cup of morning joe an energizing boost with kratom powder mixed in. Just be extra careful with your serving sizes. 
  • Soda: The fizziness and flavor of soda can lend themselves well to a pleasurable beverage. Instead of buying expensive kratom soda, why not mix together your own?
  • Milk: It’s worth remembering that milk (unless it’s skim milk) is a thicker liquid. Because of that, mixing it with kratom can be somewhat difficult.

2. Get a Blender or Shaker Cup

For something as simple (but useful) as a cup, this item is available in many variations. If you enjoy staying fit, you likely have many blender or shaker cups in your home. 

Typically, a blender cup includes a metal ball that acts as a whisking device when the cup is closed and shaken. A shaker cup relies on the person using it to shake the closed cup to blend the ingredients inside.

Either a blender or shaker cup works well at mixing kratom with the liquid of your choice. Blender cups are primarily used for mixing supplements that are likely to clump, including branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and protein powder.

3. Use a Blender

If you have a blender somewhere in your kitchen, you have the best tool for mixing kratom in with any liquid. The power and speed of a blender can mix things requiring immense time and strength when mixed by hand.

4. Mix Your Kratom in Hot Water

kratom in hot water

You’ll likely have better luck getting kratom to mix by using hot water. Tea, coffee, and other warm beverages break down powder (including kratom) easier than mixing with cold liquids. Additionally, warmer liquids speed up the dissolution process compared to cold ones.

It’s also worth noting that while steeping kratom leaves or powder in hot water will release the alkaloids from the leaf material, but kratom alkaloids including mitragynine are also generally not water-soluble.

5. Blend With Grapefruit or Citrus Juices

Some ways to help dissolve kratom can also enhance the overall effect of the powder by making it easier to dissolve. Grapefruit is one well-known and scientifically researched example.

Additionally, citrus-based juices, especially those squeezed fresh from lemons, oranges, and limes can help enhance kratom’s effects by allowing it to break down more easily than it normally would.

6. Dissolve Kratom Powder in Your Mouth (Toss and Washing)

A somewhat primitive yet effective kratom dissolving method is known as the toss and wash technique. We don’t personally advise this method. However, some swear by it. The idea behind this method is to start with a bit of your preferred beverage in your mouth. Then, toss in your serving size of kratom, swish and swallow. Follow with another liquid chaser to get rid of any remaining bitterness or graininess.

7. Add in Kratom Last

If you’re still struggling to sufficiently dissolve kratom in liquids, our last tip is to wait to put the kratom in till the last minute. Why? Because it’s much easier for kratom to clump to the bottom of a cup when it’s added first. Also, unless you’re only using water, putting kratom in before the juice or other dark liquid makes it hard to see where your kratom clumps are. 

Depending on your added flavors, waiting can also help preserve the potency of your kratom. Despite helping absorption, acids will slowly degrade the quality of your kratom over time. You don’t necessarily need to wait till the last second, but you don’t want to make kratom tea with lemon and leave it in your fridge overnight. You can make the kratom tea ahead of time, but put the lemon in last and stir vigorously!

Other Options for Taking Kratom

Who knew there were so many ways to dissolve or, to be more specific, mix kratom into liquids? If you’re tired of messing with powders, another option is kratom capsules. Golden Monk carries a variety of high-quality powder and capsules in the most popular strains and a great selection of white-vein, red-vein, and green-vein kratom.

For Further Reading

Tanna RS, et al. Clinical Assessment of the Drug Interaction Potential of the Psychotropic Natural Product Kratom. Published in Clin Pharmacol Ther, June 2023.

Ramanathan S, et al. Understanding the physicochemical properties of mitragynine, a principal alkaloid of Mitragyna speciosa, for preclinical evaluation. Published in Molecules, March 2015.

Picture of Alex Eagleton
Alex Eagleton

Alex is a dedicated copywriter, SEO expert, and content marketer. He's a firm believer in kratom and its ability to help people. When Alex isn't working, he's enjoying the outdoors with his five dogs, playing video games, falling into a YouTube wormhole, or collecting anything involving Spider-Man.

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