8 Ways to Lower or Reset Your Kratom Tolerance

Is kratom not providing the same effects it used to? There’s no reason to be alarmed. Your tolerance level may have increased. It’s a common occurrence, especially if you’ve taken the same kratom serving for a considerable amount of time or recently started trying kratom products with a high mitragynine content.

While working to reduce your kratom tolerance, you may not experience the same level of energy and calming benefits, but 

Let Golden Monk fill you in on how kratom tolerance happens and how you can correct it.

What Is Kratom Tolerance?

Your body can build up a tolerance to caffeine, kratom, and many other substances. As you continue taking kratom, your body starts to learn how to metabolize it more efficiently. This process happens in most people due to a rise in the liver enzymes that process substances (including kratom) that pass through the body.

Try These 8 Tips for Help With a Tolerance to Kratom

1. Note When and How Much Kratom You Take

I’m the kind of person who can walk into a room and forget why I’m in there. Even if you’re not as forgetful as me, we all forget things during a typical day. If you’re not tracking how much kratom you take and when you consume it, you could be raising your tolerance drastically without knowing it.

Recording when you consume kratom ensures you’re evenly spacing out your servings. This information is also useful to help you space out or slightly lower your daily kratom use to reduce your tolerance levels.

2. Stick With a Serving Size That Works for You

One reason why people who use kratom gain a high tolerance to this plant is because they’re continually consuming it in larger amounts. That’s NOT the ideal way to enjoy kratom. In most cases, upping your kratom intake too much and too fast is anything but enjoyable. Common side effects can include sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

A personal rule I’ve found helpful is to stick with the same serving. If you’re new to kratom, start with a small amount and adjust your serving accordingly. Are the feelings too strong? As a 2023 study reported to be effective for kratom tolerance, lower your serving size a bit. Are you not feeling any effects? Increase your serving size a bit.

After a bit of trial and error, you’ll find your ideal quantity.

3. Switch Vendors and/or Products

Another potential way to fix a kratom tolerance issue is by purchasing products from a different kratom vendor. If you’ve used the same vendor for a long time, this switch-up could be worth trying.This is an especially good tip if you’re not already a Golden Monk customer. In fact, we’re exploring collaborations with extract-strength kratom brands about helping their customers better manage their kratom tolerance with our potent but raw leaf kratom. 

Sipping a bit of raw leaf powder mixed with your favorite beverage throughout the day is a way to continue enjoying kratom’s benefits without having to cut it out of your life completely. Moreover, a new vendor may offer strains or other kratom-based products with an alkaloid content you’re more responsive to.

4. Change How You Consume Kratom

There’s no doubt that kratom extracts and shots pack a potent punch. If you want to keep your kratom tolerance lower, beverages and extracts with high mitragynine contents are best consumed in moderation if possible.

If you enjoy the convenience of kratom shots but are looking to lower your tolerance level, consider trying Golden Monk’s kratom gummies. Each of our gummies contains 10 milligrams of premium kratom extract, letting you easily control your desired effects. Plus, they taste great.

Kratom capsules are also convenient, letting you enjoy kratom while consuming lower levels of mitragynine.

5. (Maybe) Try New Kratom Colors and Strains

Everyone has a unique genetic makeup and body chemistry. Because of that, one type of kratom that most people find energizing might lull you into a deep state of calmness.

If you currently feel like you’re developing a kratom tolerance, try switching what strains and colors you use. Just remember to try to reduce your total daily kratom consumption, relying instead on the novelty of the strain. Otherwise, you may just end up making your kratom tolerance worse.

Many who enjoy kratom swear by the coveted Maeng Da kratom strain. However, others enjoy the effects of Borneo, Bali, or Horn kratom. A part of perfecting your kratom journey is experimenting with kratom colors and strains to find what suits you best.

6. Go on a Tolerance Break

Some people enjoy taking kratom every day. Others may use kratom multiple times per week or less. If your frequency of taking kratom is causing tolerance issues, consider taking a break from this plant.

From how you consume kratom to your morning driving route or what you eat, the human brain loves routines. For some people, consuming kratom is one of their many regular routines. Consider replacing when you take kratom with another activity during a tolerance break to keep your brain focused on a new routine.

You can also try raw leaf kratom powder to step down your tolerance levels increased by potent kratom extracts and shots. Sipping a bit of raw leaf powder mixed with your favorite beverage throughout the day is a way to continue enjoying kratom’s benefits without having to cut it out of your life completely.

7. Beware of Kratom Potentiation (Short-Term vs Long-Term Help)

Without delving too deep into complex scientific terminology, a potentiator is a chemical agent that strengthens the effect of something else when combined. Many potentiators for kratom aren’t true potentiators; they simply make it easier for your body to absorb the existing kratom. 

Let’s use kratom as an example. Some people enjoy taking kratom and caffeine for their energy-increasing and concentration-enhancing effects, while consuming a lot less kratom than they would otherwise.

Other commonly reported ingredients that aid kratom absorption include:

  • Grapefruit or grapefruit juice
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Cranberries or cranberry juice
  • Turmeric

8. Get More Sleep

Seeing sleep mentioned in a blog post about kratom tolerance may look strange. However, a lack of sleep is easy to mistake for a tolerance to kratom.

I can recall times when kratom and caffeine failed to energize me. That’s because I was severely lacking sleep. When you reach a certain point of tiredness, your energy levels aren’t going back up with sufficient rest.

But what if you feel tired the day after getting a good night’s rest? It could be due to a term you might have heard of called sleep debt.

Example: You need eight hours of sleep each night, equaling up to 56 hours of sleep per week. On Monday and Friday, you only sleep six hours. Sunday you sleep five-and-a-half hours. That puts you in a sleep debt of 6.5 hours for the week!

Most people experiencing sleep debt will feel its noticeable effects, including a lack of energy and increased drowsiness. Resolve your sleep debt by getting to bed earlier, turning on relaxing music, and putting your smartphone out of reach.

Working Toward Better Wellness Outcomes  

Many things in life are best enjoyed in moderation. Kratom is no different. Keep our helpful tips in mind and you can enjoy everything kratom offers for years to come. If now’s the time for you to try new kratom strains, set yourself up for success by learning about the effects of kratom strains.

Picture of Alex Eagleton
Alex Eagleton

Alex is a dedicated copywriter, SEO expert, and content marketer. He's a firm believer in kratom and its ability to help people. When Alex isn't working, he's enjoying the outdoors with his five dogs, playing video games, falling into a YouTube wormhole, or collecting anything involving Spider-Man.

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