Red Hulu Kapuas Kratom Strain Review

Red Hulu Kapuas is a rare but popular strain that hails from the island of Borneo. When it comes to Red Kratom, the Hulu Kapuas variety is one of the strongest in the world. This is because the Kapuas variety has an especially strong and varied list of active alkaloids.


What is Red Hulu Kapuas?

Red Hulu Kapuas is grown on a river path, which gives it a potency that goes beyond the norm. Since 2016, this increasingly popular strain has attracted dozens of pages extolling its virtues. It’s becoming such a favorite, in fact, that over on Reddit there an actual Red Hulu Kapuas Appreciation post.

Red Hulu Kapuas Kratom Strain Review

The love for Red Hulu comes fast and furious on Reddit. For example, one Redditor said, “Best strains I’ve ever ordered. Their quality was off the charts.” Another person agreed with him, saying, “Red Hulu is hands down the best Kratom I’ve ever had. I am just so in love with it.” A third commenter on the Red Hulu Kapuas Appreciation post agreed: “MAN is it great stuff.”

Yet another Redditor praised this product: “I got the Red Hulu Kapuas…it’s the best Kratom I’ve ever tried.” Finally, a Kratom fan said, “Red Hulu and Green Hulu never let me down.”

Hulu Kapuas: Red vs White vs Green

We now know that Red Hulu Kapuas has a large number of fans. But how do the rest of the strains do? Let’s find out!

  • Red Hulu – The relaxed, slow-moving performance makes this the perfect strain for nighttime. Although it’s a bit stronger, this strain does have a lot in common with the other Red Kratom styles.
  • White Hulu – The energetic performance and unique properties are thanks to the unusual properties of the soil. If you want a good morning Kratom, you should definitely consider White Hulu Kapuas.
  • Green Hulu – This offers a much more moderate performance than White and Red Hulu Kapuas.

Which one is best for you? The only way to know for sure is to try all three!

Where to Buy It

There are numerous vendors that sell Green Hulu Kapuas. At The Golden Monk, we offer this strain in bulk quantities. Other vendors you can turn to include:

  • Krabot
  • Kratom Crazy
  • The Kratom Connection
  • PurKratom
  • Earth Kratom

Red Hulu Kapuas Powder and Capsules Pricing


For Red Hulu Kapuas kratom powder the difference in price between vendors can vary widely. For example, 50g (1.8 ounces), will set you back only $14.99. Regarding 100g, this is priced at anywhere between $19.99 and $35. Getting 250g costs between $34.99 and $69. The price gets the farthest apart when it comes to 1 kilo (1,000g), though; $89.99 or $195.

When it comes to capsules, the pricing is set just as far apart. One vendor sells 50 capsules for only $20.99 and 100 capsules for $37.99. On the other hand, you can get 65-count capsules for a mere $19.95 and 150-count packs for $34.99.

Final Thoughts

Red Hulu Kapuas presents a real opportunity for something different. It’s not available all the time, though, due to the rain that falls in Borneo. In fact, some of our pricing was for products that were out of stock. Therefore, when you see it, you’d better take advantage!

Do you want to learn more details about other strains? Visit the Complete List of Kratom Strains to find out more!

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