Kratom Source USA Vendor Review

Kratom Source USA hit the scene in November 2016. Since that time, they’ve accrued a steady crop of customers. There have also been mixed reviews about the effectiveness of their products and the quality of their customer service. To help you decide whether this vendor is a viable resource for Mitragyna speciosa or not, we’re going to take a much closer look at their history.

Kratom Source USA Review


Our first impression of the Kratom Source USA’s website was that it offers a nice, user friendly layout. Products are divided up between Colors, Strains, Powder, & Capsules for your convenience. We also like the eye-catching imagery that includes photos of the company’s actual powder products. Additionally, Kratom Source USA has options for the general public and wholesale customers.

Kratom Source USA Product Line



The best way to find this vendor’s full line of Kratom products is by clicking on the Powder or Capsules header. We’re quite impressed by the sheer number of strains that are available, especially in the capsule format. If you’re a big fan of encapsulated Kratom powder, Kratom Source USA is definitely an online shop you’re going to want to check out. In fact, they have more strains available in capsules than in powder!

  • Powder – White Maeng Da, White Indo Elephant, Bali Gold, Red Maeng Da, Super Green Malay, Green Maeng Da. Yellow Vietnam, Red Horn, Green Kali. Green Hulu Kapuas, White Sumatra, Green Borneo, Yellow Sunda, Green Horn, White Hulu Kapuas. White Bentuangie, White Borneo, Red Kali, Green Bentuangie, White Sunda. Green Sunda, Red Sunda, White Kali, White Vietnam, Red Vietnam, Green Vietnam. Green Sumatra, Red Malay, White Malay, Green Indo Elephant. Red Indo Elephant, Red Hulu Kapuas, White Horn, Red Borneo, Red Bentuangie, Red Bali, & Green Bali.
  • Capsules –Red Maeng Da, White Maeng Da, Green Maeng Da, Super Green Malay, Red Malay, White Malay. White Indo Elephant, Green Indo Elephant, Red Indo Elephant, Red Horn, White Horn, Green Horn, Bali Gold. Red Bali, Green Bali, Green Hulu Kapuas, Red Hulu Kapuas, White Hulu Kapuas, Green Borneo, White Borneo. Red Borneo, Yellow Vietnam, White Vietnam, Red Vietnam, Green Vietnam, White Sumatra, Red Sumatra. Green Sumatra, Green Kali, Red Kali, White Kali, Yellow Sunda, White Sundra. Green Sundra, Red Sundra, White Bentuangie, Red Bentuangie, & Green Bentuangie.

image of kratom source product line

What’s it Going to Cost Me?

Kratom Source USA sticks with standardized pricing, which we’re always a big fan of. This eliminates unwanted surprises and makes budgeting much easier.

  • Powder starts at $20 for 100g and goes all the way up to 5 kilos (5,000g) for $425.
  • Capsules shockingly come priced the exact same way as powder. You can get capsules with a total of 100g of powder for $20 or go up to 5 kilos (5,000g) encapsulated for $425.

Kratom Source USA really has it where it counts in terms of pricing. This is particularly true if you want capsules.

Kratom Source USA Coupon Code

Whenever you buy Kratom totaling $150+, you’ll receive free shipping. Aside from this deal, it’s unusual to find promo codes for Kratom Source USA. On the plus side, regular customers often receive great coupon codes, and this vendor also runs frequent sales.

Kratom Source USA Consumer Reputation

So, the pricing and strain options definitely combine for a big hit. But what do people actually think about this vendor’s products? Over on Reddit, you can find everything from people saying that Kratom Source USA “seems really sketchy” (the vendor successfully responded to this concern) all the way to enthusiasts saying, “I’ve loved every strain” and “this stuff is fantastic!”

People on Reddit have also said, “I like their WMD” (White Maeng Da), “great price and quality,” and “products are excellent, and the price was right.”

image of kratom source usa reviews

Kratom Source USA Customer Service

This vendor has some pretty hardcore policies that aren’t very customer friendly. Although they do accept returns of unopened merchandise for up to 30 days, customers are responsible for paying for return shipping. That’s not exactly unusual, but we weren’t happy to see that Kratom Source USA abdicates all responsibility for stolen or lost items, packages delivered to the wrong address, or shipping delays.

Reddit also has a mixed bag of comments regarding this vendor’s customer service. In one post, it’s revealed that Kratom Source USA (and their soundalike, Kratom Source) was banned from the Kratom forum for allegedly partaking in “vote manipulation and shilling.”

A Redditor commented elsewhere that there was a “slight error with my first order but they went above and beyond to fix it.” A forum member by the name of GrandpaSweatpants relayed a long story about order issues caused by his own mistake. It took a bit to get the process corrected, but Kratom Source USA remained diligent about helping him.

Bottom Line

There are so many factors to consider when you look at a new vendor, and Kratom Source USA is no exception. As you can see from the real-life customer comments posted above, this particular online shop has the typical level of supporters and detractors. In other words, you should be careful with your first purchase, as always, but their reasonable pricing makes them worth checking out.

Are you interested in finding vendors that have a longer, more proven history of quality products and customer service? Head over to The Golden Monk’s Complete List of the Best Kratom Vendors for many other options. Our reviews of each listed vendor will give you a good overview of what to expect.

image of kratom leaves and capsules

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